Thursday, November 17, 2011

Favorite Internet Teaching Resource Site


For teachers who love being creative and fun in the classroom, I highly recommend the website above. This website gives super fun ideas for lesson plans and activities in the classroom. Not only does it do that, but it gives cute ideas to decorate your classroom also. I use this website a lot, because I enjoy doing activities that the kids have fun with and are also learning at the same time.

Reasons teachers should use Pinterest for making a lesson plan:

  • Creative ideas
  • Many options to choose from
  • Activities that keeps kids involved
  • The best website EVER! (:

Friday, November 11, 2011


I have to be one of the biggest procrastinators, granted I work better when I have a set time to get things done, because I actually work and don't get distracted. Though it always is not my best work. I try not to procrastinate, but I had a bad experience last year when I procrastinated on a huge paper I had due in my english class. For the assignment we had to do a lot of research on the internet and then write a 7 page essay over the research that we did. I ended up waiting till about 9 at night to start the paper, thats when I realized that it would be impossible to finish the paper. I had to skip school the next day and I missed a lot of assignments and homework that was due. I ended up getting a really good grade on the paper, but it was not worth missing a day of school over. In order for me to not procrastinate anymore, I set dates for myself to have certain things done by, so that by the time it is due the whole assignment is complete. I try not to procrastinate a lot, for the most part it has been very successful and has helped me a lot.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Week Three: Leadership Opportunity

This past Wednesday, November 2, my class mate Carlee and I were involved in a Count on Character Contest in the Region 11 TAFE Leadership Conference. For the Count on Character Contest we had to write and illustrate a child's book that portrayed a good value. We chose to write about a boy named Jack who looses his sandwich during recess. Come to find out, it was a little bird who stole his sandwich and him finally admitting that he took it. The value of the story is honesty and friendship, because the bird learned he had to be honest and at the end of the book the bird and Jack become the best of friends.
For the contest Carlee and I had to present the book to judges and make the characters have different voices as we read the book. We thought the book was really awesome and that we would have places, but only 2 books could be picked and we were not. I'm still really pleased how the contest went and now I have a book that I can use in my classroom!