Friday, March 23, 2012

High School Teacher Creates New Education App

Creating apps for classroom is very useful and convenient for students. When I took Pre-AP Pre Calculus, my teacher created an app for our classroom where we could get all of our assignments and if we missed class, and she also video taped herself teaching the lesson and posted it on the app for us to watch. If I were to create an app for my classroom, I would create an app similar to this one, because I think it is very handy for students who were not in class that day. It saves time for the teacher during class to not have to explain and re teach what was already taught to a student who was not there.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Ron Clark Story

Ron Clark's story is amazing with what he did with the students in the Inner Harlem School. He created 55 rules to keep order and earn the trust and respect from his misbehaving students. Out of those 55 rules, I believe that having respect for other students, saying sir and mam to an adult, and be the best person you can be are the three most important rules out of those. These three rules are extremely important because they deal with having respect for yourself and for others. In order to be the best person you can be you have to have respect for yourself and others to help you get there, saying sir and mam is just a polite way to show respect to adults. I will carry these three rules throughout my teaching career and also these two other rules:

  1. Absolutely no bullying or putting down of others
  2. Be confident in yourself
I feel like these rules are important to carry along in every classroom for students to abide by. In my classroom I will most definitely use almost all of Ron Clark's 55 rules.

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Advantages of Technology in the Classroom

Technology is growing bigger and bigger in classrooms and now almost every teacher is required to use technology. Erin Shreiner believes sternly in using technology in the classroom, he wrote an article called The Advantages of Technology in the Classroom. In the article he talks about five main points of how technology helps students: Accessing Information, Editing of Written Works, Providing Supplementary Information, Communicating, and Motivation Students. All through high school and even through college all five of these topics are going to benefit me greatly in learning. Probably the top two that help the most are Accessing Information and Editing of Written Works. Using the internet to get information I need is probably the easiest and most helpful thing about the internet. Instead of having to go down to the library and search through countless number of books, I can either pull it up on my phone or grab a laptop in class and have the information instantly. Also I remember in elementary and middle school, whenever we were writing papers, if we had to revise and edit the paper, we had to completely re-hand write the paper completely instead of using Word and fixing it without have to write your paper all over again. Just these two topics alone make school so much more easier.
An advantage that Erin Shreiner did not mention in the article, is that using technology in the classroom is preparing the students for technology they are going to have to use in their future jobs. The students are more likely to get hired if they have an expertise in technology so that the bosses do not have to teach it to them. I feel like the more technology used in the classroom the better, because if prepares the students and gives them a fun way of learning.